So, you have an .flv or an .swf file and you would like to host it on your site or your Blog , but you don't know how ?

There are many users who would like to upload their flash or swf files onto their blogs & or site , but once the file is uploaded they dont quite know how to embed it onto their page or blog . Fret no more , help has arrived . Now I realize that there are many flash embed codes out there , however : Not all of them work . But I will now give you a great embed code , where you will not only be able to embed your source file , but where you will also have the flexibility of changing the background color of the embed . This will be very simple and very painless - just copy , include your source file into the highlighted areas , and embed unto your web page or blog . However , please be advised that prior to embedding your file , you will first need to Upload your source file unto a host server or your Domain Host and I hope you have one , or you will have to look for an .swf upload host .

Providing that you do already have one [ host ] , here is the magic code below :
Copy , and paste your own .swf or .flv file into the highlighted areas and just embed into your page - That's it ! ( * You may also set the parameters such as width="600" height="300" , to whatever you want to , as well as the background color * check for colors using an RGB color Generator which you can find online by ' googling ' it therefore : Keep that in mind * )